Winter Instagram Photos

Philly’s Polar Vortex…we survived




Galapagos 2013 Part I

December was insane. As the dust settles, I finally have the chance to review my adventures in South America.

Initially, I was less than thrilled to leave the “life” routine in which I was addicted to. The thought of being crammed on to a plane and later a fishing boat with my loving (and tolerant) family along with a group of random people to see Darwin’s paradise made me claustrophobic. I wanted to bash my head into a wall. Paradise to me was a state of mind, not a place. I had stuff to do. Real life had a choke hold on me. Hooray for reality.

Packing my 5D Mark III, 60D, half a dozen lenses, batteries, memory cards, etc only angered me more. What would I do if the Galapagos destroyed the equipment I had worked so hard to build my company on? I envisioned the wrath I would bestow upon someone if they tried to take my red carry on. I saw myself being featured on an episode of “locked up abroad”. The  interview as follows: “He didn’t look like a bell boy to me. He looked like thief in a ridiculous outfit. No one really knows for sure if he worked for the hotel. I stand by my actions.” Clearly, my priorities were in the right place…I need my stuff, I need my frigid life, I need my anger.

We arrived at the Philadelphia airport a day late due to a snow storm. My father made sure we were there six hours before our flight. Greg is a professional traveller. Seriously- only the military rivals his expertise in moving “troops”. Greg. Gets. It. Done. I was handed a folder of papers in the cab. Copies of everyone’s boarding passes, itineraries, copies of passports, contact names, numbers….You would think I was being sold down there. No “Taken” kit this time- just lots of MACE. We watched him as he broke personal records going through security. It had begun.

I let it go. This trip was the essence of process. The final destination was only as good as the struggle I went through to get there. By the end, I had given it all up. Live your damn life Emmy. It’s good for you.

Quito…I could have gone with out this city. Everyone had altitude sickness. A nice curve ball for the group. 8000+ feet above sea level in a city where cocaine leaves are sold as the remedy. Asprin it is.

First morning Mer and I are greeted by this man outside the elevator. Rapper: “Don’t you want your picture with me?” Us: “Uhhh….we guess so, Who are you?” *Man scampers off*

Nibian Rapper

I was in conditioning for a Muay Thai fight which meant I had to suck it up and get in the gym. Apparently women in other countries don’t work out. My sister and I received some really weird looks going into the hotel gym. She is a avid traveler and assured me that we have now officially been labeled as Americans. The fitness center was all men, a lot from Africa, just staring. As if their eyes could force me back into my “place”. I glared right back. I was on the fast track to that “locked up abroad” episode.


Greg kicked us off with a packed tour schedule. Ecuador is all about churches, so that is what we saw. Despite the fact the Spaniards introduced this to the country centuries ago, it became ever clear how much Ecuadorians hated Spain. Oppression is a tricky one.




It was hard to snap candids. My blond hair was a magnet for attention. I had an entire parade and marching band wave to me. It ain’t easy being green.



Day 2 we headed up to the cloud forrest- since we really wanted to torture ourselves with more altitude. It was a nice change from the city. I had really missed being outside in the “wilderness”. The air was lovely.

Cloud Forrest Shoes

Greg in his natural habitat.

Steve Irwin


Day 3- woke up at 4am. Drove an hour to the airport. Got on another plane. I got sick and spend the plane ride buckled over and disgruntled. On to the Galapagos!

Landed. Plane and bags were sprayed. The airport officials made my sister take her shoes off and “professionally cleaned them” in a restricted area. i.e. We heard them clap her sneakers out for 3 minutes. No contaminants allowed in, no animals allowed out. We were good to go.


Welcome to Galapagos camp. No one had locks on their doors. There was a speaker next to your bed. Every morning at 7am the GM, Paula, would wake everyone up. At 7:30 she would call us to breakfast. At 8am we would be called to the lounge to talk about the activities. At 9am we would be called to “disembarkation”. Paula shut the damn thing off around 8pm. There was no mute, or volume control. We were at the mercy of Paula’s sweet voice. It was like being in SAW…minus the whole murder part.

The average age of the people on the ship was 65. Basically it was Mer and I who were under 40. We were with the 50th anniversary group. The first day a lady came up to Mer and I while we were sunbathing wearing a full spandex suit. She warned us about dengue fever. Great. We have established the boat looney. Greg hadn’t given us a medical packet so we dismissed this “threat”. Later that day, there was a lengthy group discussion on “buoyancy”. What is it? What does it mean for me? Do I float? Does my husband float? Does it affect my swimming? Sweet, everyone just wear your life jackets if the ship sinks. Got it?


First beach walk with Rully. We maybe went half a mile- no one could put their camera down. It became apparent that we were visitors in a world not dominated by humans. Wild Life:1, People:0. Something was happening here- and it had been going on a long time.


“Sally Crabs”- named after a pirate prostitute. I found this hilarious. They are black before they reach sexual maturity.



Day 4: The bird island…I can still remember the smell. I have never seen so many birds in my life. Poe would have lost his marbles with this place. He perhaps never hit his full avian potential. It was a deserted landscape- dead. Plants were starving for water, cracked and dried out. Skeletons that were ultimately responsible for the lives of  thousands of bird colonies. Funny where we choose to live. I loved the harshness contrasted with the unexpected breadth of life.



That afternoon we had a sunset walk on a beach with SEA LIONS…..!!!! They were, by far, the coolest animal we saw on the trip. They had no fear of humans. The babies would waddle right up to us and roar: WELCOME TO MY HOME! The mothers would grunt and sigh at the commotion as if to say “damn kids never let me have my siesta”. I have never laughed so hard.


Moral of the trip: Nature is Perfect. It knows when to give life or take it away all with a sense of humor. You just have to be able to see it.

Day 5: Youngest island of the trip. Hosts an active volcano as well as a lush terrain.



whale vertebrae

The Sea Lion goodbye party


After my initial camera freakout, I let my sister rock my 60D. Nothing like a big camera around your neck to add some substance.


Sunset on the equator was unreal- I have never seen light like that.




Where am I again?





This look…


These people…


Night lights on the open sea


Day 6: Oh boy- another island 🙂


Reminded me for the bird island. It had a “dead” look.


Welcome to Paradise


50 yards away…a unfazed sea lion naps.


Napping terrain…snuggle up!


Sunset on yet another island! Anthony led us to the center. We called him Smeagol.




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Another professional napper…


Day 7: Overcast skies on a jungle island


The difference between new and old guides was their footwear. The new age ones wore shoes. The old school ones didn’t. After I saw a guide going barefoot, I abandoned my shoes. The guide scolded me and told me to put them back on. Acting as if I wasn’t grown up enough to make the decision to lose my own shoes. My foundation flashed before me- that whole growing up in a barn part or running through thistle in the pastures all in hopes of perhaps mounting the loose horses. Those summers I spent swimming in murky Vermont ponds, having sweaty winded polo ponies rub their white lathered heads into my body, and sitting on porches with a marlboro red watching the afternoon storms go by. My father, without missing a beat, said “She’s fine.” And we moved on.


Ladies and Gentlemen, my infamous parents.



I am working my way through the video footage. Coming soon…Galapagos: THE MOVIE

Until then, GoPro Screen Shot

Screen Shot 2014-01-19 at 8.03.58 PM

October 2013

Been working on some new pieces. They are coming along. I am also drafting for larger canvases, 5’x7′ and up. It’s been a busy start to the month!
JB is almost finished. Adding highlights and greens.

Ballerinas awaiting their show


And of course some Instagrams!
Self portrait while sitting on a bench

Portrait Session


August Instagrams

I am not one for converting images B/W, sepia, etc. However, it seemed to be the theme for last month! All my paintings palette’s were exploding while my Instagram went in the other direction. In my opinion, especially when looking at my work, color only goes absent when I want to emphasis something that was previously over powered by the palette. I want to bring a more subtle element into the spot light. Elements such as design, shape, light and texture.





Summer Instagram

Summer Willow photos!



Harness Horses and a Tornado Warning

Everyone ran into the building and I ran out! No, we didn’t end up having a tornado, for the best. I probably would have run out and tried to shoot it.

Heavy Clouds

Despite the ominous clouds- the races went on.

Carter the Gate Keeper

My new friend, Carter the security guard, and I waited for the horses to come out. The “calm before the storm”.

Into the Storm

And then it started…watching the horses hesitantly approach the track from the security guard shed.

I followed them without question. It was me, the drivers, and the horses. It was spectacular.

1/2 Mile Downpour

Lightning crashed all around us- I actually cannot believe I had no lightning shots in my 200 frames. Everyone was in safe shelter and watching the weather channel’s warning on one tv and the race on another. Was it dumb? Yes. Would I do it again? Yes. Am I out of my mind? Yes- I am an artist, with some serious guts. I got a mouth full when I finally made it back to my desk.

Tornado Warning

My favorite shot. It has the exact opposite mood and feel of this event. It is tranquil and slow. I was the last to leave the track. I had to duck into a shed with Carter because I couldn’t see 2 feet in front of me and the wind was so strong I was getting knocked off my feet. When the rain slowed, I leaped across the flooded track back to the paddock to see the aftermath.

Headed Home

It was quiet. It was calm. A speedy “recovery” on the equestrian front. I saw a lot of happy and dry horses being led to the trailers to be taken home. What troopers!


Here I am- after the rest of the population creeped back outside. I am not usually on the this side of the camera, however, I thought it was appropriate after such an exciting experience. For those of you who don’t know me- I am a very light blond- I am SOAKED! My shoes are STILL wet and this was taken over 6 hours ago. My camera’s rain gear held up (BIG RELIEF) and I was actually dry under my coat. I love it!

Hot to Trot!

I am covering for a track photographer next week. I went in to train last week and came out with some neat shots. All but one are from the “judge” car that drives besides each race.

Basically this custom Hummer lines all the drivers up before the race. Here they come!Trotter 1HELLO GAME FACE!3I5A1651_F

Trot 2Down the final stretch! If anyone has seen the black stallion, this photo reminds me of when The Black is running on the beach and Alec has his horse figurine set up on a stone. All you see is a little horse running along next to the sculpture.Trot 4Lining up for the next race.Trot 5Hopefully I will get more cool shots in the next 10 days. We shall see!

Philly Driving Shot

Loved the way the stripes became distorted. A beautiful day in Philly! My Instagram is @theemmyaward if you want to see my iPhone photos!





Camera Bag: Cinema


May Wedding

I shot a fabulous wedding mid May and I want to post my favorite shots. They were a great group and it has been a pleasure working with the bride!

1) This one has the feel of a special moment but in reality, this friend of the bride was just walking through the mudroom door. Her father is behind on the deck. I love the light and the tonal changes. It is subtle but dynamic. One of those- quick and thoughtless shots. I remember following the bride and looking down the hall by chance. *Click* moving on to the main event!


2) This one is my favorite. 100% real. The horses are relaxing and the girls taking a quiet moment to look over the farm in between giggling and fussing with their dresses.


3) Girls in the barn aisle- doing the exact opposite of what they are doing in the above photograph. Chatting, giggling, smiling, as a mom yells “PUT YOUR CLOGS ON! DON’T RUIN YOUR SHOES!” I am pretty sure this image would not have worked with any other dress color. The vibrent watermelon just refuses to disappear into darkness: the dresses devour the low light! Love the contrast of a rustic stable with the playful “Rodin Dancers”.


4) Dressing the bride- these girls were so much fun to shoot. They were just so ecstatic to be a part of the wedding. It was extremely refreshing.


5) Granddaughter and Grandfather dance- this Grandfather was beaming. Beautiful.


6) Bride and Groom. I chose this backdrop and they chose the sign 🙂 Taken at the Audubon Bird Sanctuary.


All rights reserved to Emelyn Shea Inc, please credit appropriately (Emelyn Shea Inc and link to this blog or Full gallery can be viewed here– Thank you!

Instagram Photos

Some random shots from the last few weeks- nothing fancy 🙂


