Florence Italy Studies

The figure Friday 5/27

First time I’ve had the model six(6) what? Yes 6 years. First one is still fresh. Overworked the second. Third could be fresher. Each pose was about 45 minutes. The model was lovely. I asked SACI for a curvy and classic woman…they delivered. I did manage to short circuit my studio and three surrounding rooms with the model lights. The Italians blamed the German adapters. I love Italians. 

Oil on Farbriano paper about 30″x50″. 

MFA professor told me that my figures are much less “predictable” than my horses. A very interesting comment that makes me believe my horses may be becoming stiff on some level. 

I like the paint application on the legs for figure #2. 

I like how quickly I had to work in figure #3. It was about 30minutes. I didn’t have time to think.