Summer Oil Update

Oh boy, these paintings are starting to speak on their own. I’m spending less and less time physically painting. I am doing much more viewing from far back and refining. Colorado Landscape

Willow in Field


New Frontier: Ballerinas

“Why not?” Said my brain. I am excited to see how these paintings evolve. The colorist in me is EXPLODING with the black and white photos.



Framed Sunflowers

Pros of keeping your work at your parents house:
You don’t pay for a storage unit
24/7 access
It’s safe
It’s familiar
You usually get invited to stay for dinner when dropping off work
Sometimes people go through your work and then they magically appear on a wall somewhere.

With that being said, here are the sunflowers I initially hated. To my mothers credit, they do look nice framed. I still see them glaring at me with their skinny yellow petals and dark furry eyes: “go ahead artist- paint us already!”



I was fortunate enough to visit my rescued ex-racehorse last weekend in Saratoga, NY. I donated her to my college as a polo pony 🙂 I have lots of photos to paint from!
