Florence Ballerinas

Oil on Fabriano. About 36″x51″. I have been writing about my work. It’s been surreal,to say the least. 

I deface the canvas with layers. Covering what was once there- society doesn’t want to see it. They want to see beautiful ballerinas dancing for them. Isn’t it wild that a lifestyle full of sacrifice and pain is presented as such? They will never be perfect. Neither will I. Yet we still torture ourselfs in fools hope. 

Florence Week 2

Carriage horse under painting off of a photograph I took. I watched this guy try to bite the heads off tourists. My new hero. 

Working on combining my photos with painting. It’s been frustrating to say the least. 

Started a oil of Icon. Andalusian colt I worked with over the winter. I love him 

My guy, Hot Rod. 

Florence Italy Studies

The figure Friday 5/27

First time I’ve had the model six(6) what? Yes 6 years. First one is still fresh. Overworked the second. Third could be fresher. Each pose was about 45 minutes. The model was lovely. I asked SACI for a curvy and classic woman…they delivered. I did manage to short circuit my studio and three surrounding rooms with the model lights. The Italians blamed the German adapters. I love Italians. 

Oil on Farbriano paper about 30″x50″. 

MFA professor told me that my figures are much less “predictable” than my horses. A very interesting comment that makes me believe my horses may be becoming stiff on some level. 

I like the paint application on the legs for figure #2. 

I like how quickly I had to work in figure #3. It was about 30minutes. I didn’t have time to think. 

Horse Grazing Underpainting

And of course…some self portraits



First Show of 2014: JAM Contemporary Gallery

I am thrilled to have four oils and two bronzes in JAM’s February-March show. They are hosting first Friday and second Saturday receptions. Check them out! JAM Website






Polar Vortex

It’s been a rough month. My studio water has been shut off and everything is pretty frozen or just rock hard. I finally managed to get into my studio yesterday and do some work!
I have a show opening on Friday at JAM contemporary gallery in Malvern, PA. Drop offs for that one and another one that opens the 15th happen today…during yet another snow blast. *sigh* back to the grind!





Misc Watercolors

Texas Landscape- 12 1/8″ x 16 1/8″ watercolor and pencil on Arches block. Based off a photograph I took from my recent trip to Houston area with the United States Polo Association. Texas…is magical.

Ballerina in Doorway- same dimensions and medium. Still exploring this new subject!


Christmas Card Extravaganza

100 cards by Dec 10th. Really difficult. Here are some of what I have so far!




October 2013

Been working on some new pieces. They are coming along. I am also drafting for larger canvases, 5’x7′ and up. It’s been a busy start to the month!
JB is almost finished. Adding highlights and greens.

Ballerinas awaiting their show


And of course some Instagrams!
Self portrait while sitting on a bench

Portrait Session


October Oil Update

I’ve been really incorporating drawing and line into my work. It is helping to create complex surfaces.
Horse in Tall Grass is stumping me. We are on a “break” for a few days.

Ballerinas before performance. Keeping it fresh with the drawing!

JB is almost finished- add some deep darks and medium- light washes.

I also have 2 gift oils that I will not be posting until sent out. Stay tuned!