Lily and Roady

A commissioned watercolor (graduation gift) of a local hunter rider. This is based off a photo from the Brandywine Summer Series at Devon. Lily heads off to University of Pennsylvania in the fall!


CO Oil update

This was taken about a week ago. I have been priming more paper and getting ready to start some more pieces. It always helps to give yourself (and the painting) a break. Keeps the eyes fresh!
In the meantime, I have been jamming out on the piano. Teaching myself Maxence Cyrin’s cover of “Where is My Mind”. It sheds a whole new light on the original. Next stop- Mozart’s No. 23! ANYWAY: here it is šŸ™‚


Art Throwback: Polo Jump

Framed Acrylic on canvas paper. Love the gesture- *ZIIIING!*
This happens a lot on fields with boards. The ball is in play but close to the boards and the ponies have no choice but to leap over them when the player positions for the shot. Something usually over looked but I find it fascinating. You can always spot the green horses because they suck back with that white eye look: “you want me to do WHAT at a full gallop?! Are you INSANE?! Do you understand this sport is already ridiculous?!”


Finished oil 7/20

First finished oil since grad studies at Florence, Italy in 2010. It is all down hill from here- I am happy I worked through this challenge!


Summer Instagram

Summer Willow photos!



Oil Update July 10th

A couple minor details and this one is almost done:

This horse has become a little overworked and stiff. I am going to leave it alone for a few days and approach it with fresh eyes:

3 under paintings I started on Sunday. First is horse over looking landscape. Second is off a photo of the mules I took while hiking in the Grand Canyon last January. Third is a Colorado horse landscape. Fourth is the horse I am training in her field.





Follow up on Oil Sketches

I gessoed five sheets of Lenox tonight in addition to adding onto the two horse under-paintings.


A agent had also taken a portfolio of my Watercolors to Vail this weekend. She is taking them to galleries and believes the market for my work is out west. Below is what I sent her- although I ended up adding two ink paintings to the mix.

I have also been selected as one of the first artists for Artsicle Open! Please check out this fabulous art resource-! I very much look forward to working with them.

New Watercolor block

New arches block- 9″x12 1/8″ makes me super excited!

Appaloosa Jumping
Paint foal
